HVAC Contractor – Mississauga: Rebates
You can save up to $5000 on those rebates
Concerned by how much upgrading your home’s heating and air conditioning might set you back? The following rebates might help set your mind at ease:

Independent Electricity System Operator
Receive a rebate of up to $850 when you upgrade your furnace and central air conditioner through the Heating & Cooling Incentive Program that is being run on qualifying equipment by the IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator). Get in touch today for further details.
To learn more, please visit
Enbridge Gas
Enbridge Gas has partnered with the Government of Ontario, and Save on Energy to offer the Home Energy Conservation Program, which offers several rebates on home upgrades, including high efficiency furnace and tankless hot water systems. However, the program is only being offered to specific areas, so be sure to check that you qualify first.
To learn more, please visit